• +61 8 9328 1678
  • sales@horizonbiz.com.au


Featured portfolio project

Most popular of our works.

Wholesale & Distribution

Don’t leave your business (and it’s profits!) on the shelf. Managing inventory and stock in real time, across multiple locations and currencies will save your business time and money and save your team real headaches!

Oil & Gas

We are the software experts in this specialised field. From project start to services that support Oil & Gas, we can help you to run a tight ship 24/7.

Not For Profit

Not for profit does not imply reduced requirement for effective, accountable management systems. Let our systems support the good work that you do.

Mining & Mining Services

Boom, bust and everything in between, bottom-line efficiencies and visibility across all aspects of your business are crucial to not get buried under a mountain of paperwork!